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SBIトレーサビリティ株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:輪島 智仁、以下「当社」)は、独デュッセルドルフ市、ノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州、メッセ・デュッセルドルフ社が主催するデュッセルドルフの夕べにおいて、デュッセルドルフから輸送されたアルトビールの生産地トレース情報のプラットフォームとして、ブロックチェーン基盤のCorda(コルダ)を活用した当社のトレーサビリティ・サービス「SHIMENAWA」(以下「SHIMENAWA」)を提供しましたのでお知らせいたします。

■ SHIMENAWAのアプリ画面(一部)








主催: デュッセルドルフ市、ノルトライン・ヴェストファーレン州、メッセ・デュッセルドルフ
場所: ホテルニューオータニ(東京)ザ・メイン 宴会場階「芙蓉の間」
日時: 2022年9月14日(水)18:00-21:00







SHIMENAWAは世界で350社を超える金融機関、規制当局、中央銀行、システムベンダなどにより構成されたコンソーシアムで企業間取引を想定して設計・実装されたブロックチェーン基盤のCorda(コルダ)を採用し、NFC/RFID技術とのデジタルペアリングなどで共有される情報の真正性を担保するシステムで、信頼性の高いエンド・ツー・エンドのトレーサビリティを実現します。 また、ブロックチェーン基盤のCorda(コルダ)を活用したトレーサビリティ・アプリケーションを開発・運用し、ブロックチェーン基盤の活用が抱える運用コストにかかる課題を最小化する技術の開発も合わせて実現することに成功しました。なお、本技術は特許出願中です。


名称 SBI Traceability株式会社
所在地 東京都港区六本木一丁目6番1号 泉ガーデンタワー
代表者 代表取締役 輪島 智仁
事業内容 ブロックチェーンを活用したトレーサビリティ・サービスの提供など
URL https://www.sbitraceability.co.jp

Traceability Service “SHIMENAWA” Offered at Düsseldorf Evening, Which Has Been Held for the First Time in Three Years -Displayed Blockchain-Based Traceability Information for Altbier Transported from Düsseldorf-

SBI Traceability, Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Tomohito Wajima; hereinafter referred to as 'the Company') is pleased to announce that at the Düsseldorf Evening organized by the City of Dusseldorf, State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Messe Düsseldorf, the Company provided its traceability service SHIMENAWA (hereinafter referred to as 'SHIMENAWA') which utilizes the blockchain of the Corda infrastructure, as a platform for tracing the origin of Altbier transported from Düsseldorf.

■ SHIMENAWA app screen (partial)


The Düsseldorf Evening is a social event for Japanese companies based in the city of Düsseldorf and North Rhine-Westphalia. Japanese companies and organizations usually send their employees or staff to their overseas subsidiaries for several years as expatriates. Therefore, Japanese employees only live in Düsseldorf for a limited period, and to maintain links with their former 'Japanese in Düsseldorf' after returning to Japan, a social event entitled Düsseldorf Evening was launched in 1981, and is now held every three years. The social event, which attracts around 1,000+ people (pre-pandemic), is one of Japan’s most important German-Japanese networking events, providing an opportunity to renew old friendships and make new contacts.


A scene at the event held on September 14, 2022

It is customary to start the social event with the opening of the beer keg and a toast by the organizers, the German Embassy in Japan, Chiba Prefecture and representatives of the Altbier brewery. The Altbier served at the social event is a top-fermented beer made by hand at the home brewery Zum Schlüssel, which in 2012 and 2014 was voted the best Altbier in the world and won a gold medal at the European Beer Star Awards. When the QR code installed under this beer cask is read, the SHIMENAWA web application developed by the Company opens by an Internet browser. It displays a story about the process of brewing the beer in Düsseldorf and product information. This system, which allows consumers to read the QR code and check the attractiveness of the production area recorded on the blockchain and traceability information on the integrated supply system from production to transport, has provided consumers with a sense of security and satisfaction.
*'QR Code' is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Corporation.

By providing the SHIMENAWA traceability service, which utilizes the blockchain platform Corda, to such events, the Company will promote initiatives to increase the reliability of the information on food products and realize a world in which consumers can choose quality food products.

■Overview of the event

Organizers: City of Dusseldorf, State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Messe Dusseldorf
Venue: Hotel New Otani (Tokyo), The Main, Banquet Floor “Fuyo no Ma”
Date and time: Wednesday, 14 September 2022, 18:00-21:00


Since ancient times, Japan has had a very auspicious rope called a "shime-nawa," which serves as a "boundary" separating the realm of the gods from the real world and prevents the entry of anything impure. Our service utilizing the blockchain (note), like this "shime-nawa", plays an important role in preventing the falsification of information (i.e., the entry of impure things) and consistently delivering true information. With this in mind, we have named our service “SHIMENAWA”. SHIMENAWA aims to support a safe, secure, and affluent consumer lifestyle by providing value that enhances the reliability of information and product brands.
(note)Blockchain is a technology that enables the preservation of value by using digital signatures and hash pointers, a tamper-resistant data structure, to share the history of data changes on a network.


The symbol, which looks like a family crest, represents the circulation of "SHIMENAWA," which contributes to a sustainable society by protecting the brands of production areas and producers, and delivering safe and secure products to consumers.



SHIMENAWA uses Corda, a blockchain platform designed and implemented for business-to-business transactions by a consortium of over 350 financial institutions, regulators, central banks, and system vendors worldwide. The system ensures the authenticity of shared information and provides highly reliable end-to-end traceability. The traceability application utilizing Corda, a blockchain platform, is being developed and operated with the support of digglue, Inc. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Hideyuki Hara). The browser-based web application is developed and operated with the support of IT FORCE, Inc. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Mitsutaka Kageyama). In addition, we have succeeded in developing a technology to minimize the operational cost issues associated with the use of blockchain infrastructure. This technology is in the process of being patented.

Company overview

Company Name SBI Traceability, Co., Ltd.
Location Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Tomohito Wajima, Representative Director
Business overview Providing blockchain-based traceability services, etc.
URL https://www.sbitraceability.co.jp




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